algonquin district 2025 Pinewood Derby
April 5, 2025
2025 Algonquin District Pinewood Derby
Breen Hall at Our Lady of Fatima Church (use church parking lot)
5 Strathmore Road, Scarsdale, NY 10538
We welcome Cub Scouts from the Algonquin District!
​​2025 Registration Info
Pack Committees must register their racers by March 29, 2025 via the Council’s online registration to open in January 2025. Link to come.
NO WALK-IN RACERS!! All Scouts MUST be pre-registered
ENTRY FEE: $12 per Scout/Racer.
Spectators are FREE. No admission fee.
Official Rules
We recommend Pack's adopt the District construction rules to ensure winning cars who go on to compete at the District Race do not encounter any issues during car inspection. Download Official District Construction & Race Rules
Each Pack in the Algonquin District is invited to send the fastest cars from each rank to complete at the Algonquin District Pinewood Derby. That’s up to six Cub Scouts from a Pack: Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light ranks.
If a Pack is signing up less than six scouts, please email Race Committee so we do not worry there is a mistake and think we are missing a scout/rank.
Send an email to Race Committee with the name and rank of each racer if you do not supply the names on the registration system.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place finishers in each scout rank
Fastest Overall and Runner up
Design Contest: Trophies to be awarded
2:00pm – 2:45pm Mandatory Racer Check-In & Car Inspection
2:45pm Cut-Off Time for cars/racers. Voting for Design Contest will open shortly after Cut-Off Time.
~3:00pm - 4:15pm Algonquin District Pinewood Derby (All Ranks)
4:30pm – 4:45pm Award Ceremony for Speed & Design
Event Supporters
Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish for graciously making Breen Hall available as the racing venue.
Algonquin District volunteers for Inspection and Weigh In
Troop 1 Crestwood as our Track Officials and Pit Crew
Answers to Common Construction Questions.
Be sure to read the Official Rules for all do’s and don’ts. Email with any Pinewood Derby questions:
What parts am I allowed to use to build the car? Use only Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit wood, wheels, and nails. You will add weight to the car and also paint it and add decorative accessories.
How much does the car have to weigh? Maximum Weight is 5.00 ounces (141.7 grams), as determined by the Pack’s official race scales. TIP! Try to get the car as close to but not more than 5.00 ounces. Leave some “wiggle room” since scales vary. The race scales are the official scales. If a car is overweight, or very underweight, racers will be allowed make adjustments at Check-In.
Can my scout re-use last year’s car? No. All construction should be since November 2024.
Can I buy a pre-made car? No. Any cars or parts bought off Ebay, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or any other place will be disqualified.
Can I drill my own holes for the axles (nails)? No, axles MUST be installed in the pre-cut slots provided by the kit manufacturer (do not extend the wheel base). Tip: Try to get insert the nail/axle correctly on the first try. The more times you install and remove the axles, the looser things get. You can add a bit of glue to keep the axles secure.
Do all four wheels have to touch the track surface and roll? Yes, all four wheels must contact the track and each must roll.
Can we bend or cant the axles? Bent axles are prohibited. Axles may be canted for alignment purposes. Axle guards are not permitted. Inspectors must be able to visually inspect the axles during the check-in/inspection process.