Registration & Renewal:
Download forms and submit to your Den Leader
Pack 6 Crestwood welcomes new boys to become Cub Scouts. New boys will be placed into a den based on availability within existing dens. Parents needed to volunteer as den leaders in order to create brand new dens, in particular, the younger ranks (e.g., Lion/Kindergarten, Tiger/1st Grade). Lion and Tiger Parents attend all scout meetings as an adult partner (does not have to be the same parent who comes to every meeting.)
Parent completes and submits BSA Youth Application (One-time only; for brand-new scouts).
Contact the Cubmaster at with any questions.
Cubmaster will contact parents in approximately two weeks to confirm availability of space within an existing den or the creation of a new den (parent volunteers needed to help run new dens).
2024 DUES DEADLINE: November 23, 2024
(give forms and payment to your Den Leader)
1. Parents submit the 2024 Pack 6 Dues Form.
2. RENEWALS/DUES...NEW Payment Process, effective 8/1/2024
BSA National and Council are now collecting their portion of the annual dues directly from parents. Parents will pay two dues: 1. National & Council 2. Pack Dues
Step #1: BSA National/Scouting America and Greater Hudson Valley Council Dues, prices effective 8/1/2024. Collected annually on your membership renewal date. To pay dues, use renewal link you received via email from BSA/Scouting America: $170 per scout ($340 for 2 scouts, $510 for 3 scouts, etc.). Also renew your family subscription to Scout Life magazine, $15.00 per subscription.
Watch the helpful HOW-TO VIDEO from Scouting America which explains the new online renewal process.
Step #2: Pack 6 Crestwood Dues, prices effective 9/1/2024
We accept cash, check or online payment.
You may write a check payable to "Pack 6 Crestwood" and submit to your den leader with all other paperwork.
If you wish to pay online, click here to request an invoice from Pack 6 Crestwood. Parents pay the online service charges/fees.
3. Parents submit BSA Health and Consent Form (required annually). Also include a copy of immunizations and the front and back of your health insurance card.
4. Parents submit BSA Family Talent Survey to den leader or Cubmaster.
What to buy Uniform Checklist
Where to shop:
Greater Hudson Valley Scout Shop (Fishkill NY)
Greenwich Scout Shop (Greenwich CT)
National BSA Shop (Online)
Separate online store for Council Patch only: Order Council Patch from the Greater Hudson Valley Council website
NOTICE - On 1/1/2021, the Westchester-Putnam Council MERGED with the nearby Hudson Valley Council. The old patch is grandfathered in and may continue to be worn.
Welcome! A Family Guide for New Cub Scouts
How to Protection Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide
Becoming a Den Leader:
Den Leader/Assistant Den Leader Meeting Resources
Video Series: Tips & Tricks for Den Leaders
Scoutbook for Den Leaders: Easier den meeting planning and tracking of requirements
To apply to become a Den Leader:
1. Download and complete BSA Adult Application
2. Create an account at
3. Take online Youth Protection Course
4. Print the Certificate of Completion for Youth Protection, and submit hardcopy with your printed Adult Application. Contact Cubmaster at to coordinate submitting the forms.