Welcome and thank you for your interest in joining your friends in Crestwood for a great Cub Scout experience for your boys!
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[Read Brochure] New Cub Scout Family: Information Guide
[What scouts can do] Age-Appropriate Cub Scout Activities
Cub Scouts Pack 6 Crestwood is for boys in grades Kindergarten to 5th Grade.
Boys belong to dens based on their academic grade. A den is a group of 6-8 boys led by a Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader or two co-Den Leaders. Together, the dens make up the Pack.
In order to form a den, the boys need one of their parents to volunteer to serve as the Den Leader. Take this opportunity to contribute and make a difference in the lives of your son and his friends. Become a Scout Leader!

Pack Meetings
Pack 6 Crestwood holds monthly Pack meetings from September to June on Fridays (7pm to 8:30pm in the Annunciation School gym. All dens attend the Pack Meeting.
Summertime Pack activities in July and August.
Den Meetings
Den meetings are held approximately every other week from September to June in the Convent Room. They are held at a time set by the Den Leader, and a time mutually convenient to the families in the den.
Den work on rank advancement and also go on fun trips to various destinations.

Camping Trips
Pack 6 participates in several camping trips each year:
Thunderbird Games in October (tent camping)
Pack Winter Camping in February (cabin camping)
Cub Family Camping in June (tent camping)
Senior Webelos also camp with Troop 1 Crestwood to earn Outdoorsman activity badge.