2025 Pinewood Derby
January 18, 2025
Pack 6 Pinewood Derby - Annunciation School Gym
465 Westchester Avenue, Crestwood NY 10707
SHOP DAYS at Annunciation Convent Room
Available by appointment for those who need help cutting the block of wood. Kits are available at Shop Day.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for a 30-minute appointment
1 scout per 30-minute appointment slot:
Saturday, Dec 28, 2024 12pm to 3:30pm
Friday, Jan 3, 2025 4pm to 8pm
Sunday, Jan 5, 2025 Noon to 5pm
BEFORE You Arrive at Shop Day:
Pinewood Derby Kits are available at Shop Day. If you would like to pick up your car in advance, or do NOT need help at Shop Day, you can pick up from Cubmaster's house. Email Cubmaster to coordinate.
Review the Official Rules which review construction requirements. Minor clarifications were made to the rules; see blackline to compare 2025 to 2024 rules.
Bring your design. Photos are perfect.
Trace shape onto wood block: Use a pencil to draw the overall shape onto the wood block. We can cut your car cut into a basic shape. We will have templates available to trace.
Weights: Include in your design where you will place the weights on the car. If you have your weights, bring them. We can drill holes in the wood block for weights.
Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Mandatory Registration & Car Inspection
Scouts should be in attendance to check-in their car (scout uniform not necessary until actual race)
Siblings may race for fun only. Car must adhere to same construction rules; excluded from final standings.
Be prepared! Bring tools, extra weight in case the car fails inspection and needs modifications in order to pass inspection.
All cars will be impounded once checked in.
Scouts/parents will leave and return at 6:00pm for the Race
All cars must be checked in by the established deadline or they cannot race. All cars will be impounded and remain with the Racing Staff until the end of the races.
Scouts must attend race wearing full Cub Scout uniform (blue or tan uniform shirt, neckerchief/slide, hat.
Family, friends are welcome. $1 entrance fee.
No charge for scouts immediate family.
2025 Pinewood Derby
3:00pm to 5:00pm Check-In & Inspection
6:00pm Doors open. Vote in Design Contest.
6:30pm Speed Race
7:30pm Awards for Speed and Design
Winners' Circle
The Pack's 1st Place speed race winners will represent Pack 6 Crestwood at the Algonquin District Race on April 5, 2025 at Breen Hall/Our Lady of Fatima.
Pack trophies will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers for each Cub Scout rank, as well as winners of the Design Contest (five categories, and Fastest Den which fosters teamwork in a den.
Download the Official Rules for Pack 6 (PDF) which replace the standard rules inside the box.
Check out the BSA's online Pinewood Derby HQ!
The Pinewood Derby is one of the most popular events in Cub Scouting.
Places to buy weights, paint, etc. (Racers must purchase and attach/install 2-3 oz of weight to their car)
HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm
(NOTE WELL: Closed Dec 19, 2024 to Jan 2, 2025)
63 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT
Greater Hudson Valley Scout Shop
Open Monday to Saturday
18 Westage Drive, Fishkill NY
[VIDEO] Watch this helpful How-To Video. Cubmaster-approved!!
Answers to Common Construction Questions.
Be sure to read the Official Rules for all do’s and don’ts. Email Pack6Crestwood@gmail.com with any Pinewood Derby questions:
What parts am I allowed to use to build the car? Use only Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit wood, wheels, and nails. You will add weight to the car and also paint it and add decorative accessories.
How much does the car have to weigh? Maximum Weight is 5 ounces (141.7 grams), as determined by the Pack’s official race scales. TIP! Try to get the car as close to but not more than 5 ounces. Leave some “wiggle room” since scales vary. The race scales are the official scales. If a car is overweight, or very underweight, racers will be allowed make adjustments at Check-In.
Can my scout re-use last year’s car? No. All construction should be since November 2024.
Can I buy a pre-made car? No. Any cars or parts bought off Ebay, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or any other place will be disqualified.
Can I drill my own holes for the axles (nails)? No, axles MUST be installed in the pre-cut slots provided by the kit manufacturer (do not extend the wheel base). Tip: Try to get insert the nail/axle correctly on the first try. The more times you install and remove the axles, the looser things get. You can add a bit of glue to keep the axle secure, or purchase the axle covers from the scout shop.
Do all four wheels have to touch the track surface? Yes, all four wheels must touch the track surface.
Can we bend or cant the axles? Bent axles (axles are the silver nails that come with the kit) are prohibited. Use the axles from the kit and do not bend them. If axles end up being slightly canted (angled) due to the for alignment purposes but the wheels should not be angled. Axle guards are not permitted. Inspectors must be able to visually inspect the axles during the check-in/inspection process. Here is a photo of a prohibited "rail rider."